Sunday, February 19, 2012

Birthday, a New Job, and Valentines

February is usually a busy month for us, with Neight's birthday on the 8th and Valentines on the 14th. It is especially busy this year with Neight also starting a new job!

For Neight's birthday I tried so hard to set up a surprise for him, and as hard as I tired to keep it a secret until his birthday he still found out. See, I had been planning this birthday surprise for him since November so in theory it should be flawless. Well, it wasn't. Far from actually. I had planned to take him out to dinner at his favorite restaurant, Happy Sumo, and then to Anniversary Inn for a night away before the baby comes. Well, the Monday before his birthday he was asking me some questions about it and said "If we're going to stay someplace over night, what are we doing with the dog?" I FORGOT THE DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so upset and rushed through the different people I could pawn her off on ;) Luckily Neight thought of my parents and how she could sleep in their backyard that night. Zildjin loves to spend time outside so I figured it would be a good plan, but I was still terrified that she would bark all night long and my parents would decided that they never wanted to watch her again. Luckily my mom was gracious enough to let us drop her off for the night, my dad was kind enough to put carpet in her kennel and a tarp over it to keep it warm, and THANKFULLY Zildjin didn't bark all night long. I'm so lucky to have such awesome parents :) Even though I couldn't quite pull off the surprise it was still a nice night and Neight says he enjoyed it. The weekend after his birthday we went to Rodizio Grill with some friends and had a really great time. One of these years I'm going to tell the restaurant that it's his birthday so they can play the cool drum for him :) The meat was delicious and the grilled pineapple was heaven. It's pretty fun when I can eat just as much as the men do, I just hope it doesn't stay that way after the baby is born.

Neight started a new job on the 13th and loves it. He tells me it's completely different from Geek Squad and very much laid back, which is better for his stress level right now. Especially while he's trying to focus on school. Speaking of school, my due date is June 10th and Neight's graduation ceremony for his Associates Degree is June 13th, talk about nerve racking! Anyway, this job is a foot in the door to his ideal career and will help us out in the long run, I hope. I'm not sure exactly what  he does, he comes home and tells me about the activities of his day, but 90 % of the time I don't understand anything he's talking about, but I still listen and ask questions when I think I will understand the answer :) Neight is trying to stay at Geek Squad a few nights a week, but by the time he has a day off he will have worked 21 days straight between his new job and Geek Squad. I don't know how long Geek Squad will stay if it's a continual thing where he doesn't get a day off for three weeks. I do appreciate all he is doing for me and the baby, but I need him to stay healthy and sane ;)

With Valentines day being in the middle of the week Neight worked all day and I had school all day so we didn't do anything super special, which is fine with me because we should be expressing our love all year long, not just on Valentines day. Although, when I got home from school that night Neight did give me a present :) It was a box of rice crispy treats that leave a space for you to write on the wrappers. Well, in this box of 40 Neight went through and wrote Valentine's sayings (kind of) on all of the wrappers for me :D It was the cutest thing! It is a much more thoughtful gift than flowers or chocolates because he actually had to think about it :) It made my day. I am one lucky girl :)

That's our update for now. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to check on the baby. Neight and I are still trying to decide on a name. We've come up with a few that we like, and I think I even have a favorite picked out, but I don't want to say "that's her name" and then find one I like more. I still have 4 months to figure things out, although, those four months are going to FLY by! Now I need to get moving and clean the house, make the grocery shopping list, and I should probably work on my homework, even though it's super hard to find motivation this semester.
Here's a picture of me last week at week 23

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