Monday, February 6, 2012

Baby News!

Two weeks ago I had my ultrasound where the doctor found out the measurements of the baby and we got to find out the gender. It was very interesting and our baby was stubborn at first and wouldn't cooperate, big surprise, right? After the ultrasound tech got all of the needed measurements she told us that our baby had it's legs crossed, but she would find out the gender for us because she likes the challenge. About a minute after that she told us that we're having a girl. At first I thought about asking her to check again because she had said just a few seconds earlier that the legs were crossed. Then I looked over at Neight to make sure he was ok with it, because he said he wanted a boy. After our appointment he said that he knew it was a girl, because anytime he had thought about our baby up to that point he had thought the name that we had picked out for her.
Now that we know the gender, I can't decide on a name that I like. I keep saying that I have a few more months, but honestly I need to decide, or at least have a few picked out for when she's born. Now we get to start on her nursery :)
Here are a few pictures from the ultrasound

It looks like she's blowing smoke, but it's actually her fist. She loves to put her hands and arms by her face.

This is a picture of my baby bump the day before the ultrasound at 22 weeks. I swear I've doubled in size since then, or at least, that's what it feels like.


  1. Yayyy!! Congrats on the baby girl!! You have the cutest baby bump!!!

    1. You're so sweet! I'm starting to feel like a big balloon at this point and I still have a ways to go :)
