Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas and New Years

Even with a break from school, Neight and I have been staying busy with work and all of the holiday parties that were planned. The month of December flew by and here we are, January second. This years already looks promising with a baby coming in June, meaning that we have a lot of work to do to get the nursery ready. Neight will be graduating with his associates degree in June as well.

January 23rd is the day we get to find out if we're having a boy or girl. Neight wants a boy, but I'm torn. I used to say I never wanted a girl because growing up with two sisters served more drama than needed, but I can buy cute clothes, blankets, shoes, etc. If we have a boy it will be a whole new experience for me since I didn't have any brothers. I'll still go with the fact that as long as our child has ten fingers, ten toes, and is healthy, I don't really care what gender it is.

I have had a fairly easy pregnancy so far, with minimal morning sickness. I'm showing more and more each day, but I can't feel any movement yet. The doctor says average time for first feeling the baby is 18 weeks. Each person I talk to has a different opinion since their pregnancies were all different so I'm just going with it for now. Neight is still excited and will kiss my stomach at least once a day telling me he's kissing the baby. It's been an interesting experience and still feels unreal, but that is about to change drastically.

For Christmas we had Neight's family over for dinner on Christmas Eve and my family came over for dinner on Christmas. Neight spoiled me this year and bought me a Kindle Fire, the Harry Potter series on bluray, a headset for my phone, and a camcorder for our growing family. I already made sure that it won't be in the delivery room ;) My parents bought us a very nice rug for our front room since we don't have carpet yet. I love it and the animals love it too.

Here are a few pictures from our holiday adventures.

Our hundreds of Christmas Cookies I made with my mom and sister Angie.

Our Christmas set up in the basement. It almost looks like home. 
The animals loving the new rug, it's a lot softer than the hardwood.

It ties our room together so nicely. It's the perfect size and makes it feel homey.
As for New Years we had a few friends come over and hang out. I had to call it a night at 2 am because I was exhausted and couldn't keep my eyes open. Yesterday we spent the day relaxing and being lazy. We watched the first two Harry Potter movies, well, Neight did. I feel asleep about half way through the second one. Today Neight had to work, but was feeling sick and came home early :( Poor guy. He's sleeping right now and I hope he's better when he wakes up.

We both go back to school this week. It's a little crazy to think that when the semester ends there will only be like a month and a half until I'm due. Hopefully it's an easy semester and I can finish it.

I hope everyone is had a magical Christmas and New  Years!

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