Sunday, December 11, 2011


I'd like to officially announce that Neight and I are HOME OWNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a nightmare and when we decided to buy a different house we will not be going with the same Realtor or financing company. They gave us the run around, told us the day before closing the different documents we needed that I had specifically asked if they needed previously, and didn't bother to tell our insurance agent that we needed a new policy quote for home owners insurance until the day of closing. After all was said and done our insurance agent said this is the third time the financial company has done this to him, where they know they need a policy at least 10 days before closing, but never tell him until the day of.
So on our closing day I had to take a super long lunch break to sign all of the stupid paperwork, we had to go to their office, they wouldn't come meet us. Anyway, I had worked it out with my assistant manager to take two hours off for lunch thinking that it would be enough time to get everything figured out. So we get there at 1:00 pm and the paper work isn't ready because they are still waiting for the new insurance policy. We didn't sign ANY paper work until 2:45, making me get back to work an hour later than I had worked out with my manager..... Awesome. I was so mad, but thankfully we don't have to deal with that crap anymore. Now the house is ours, we can do whatever we want, I can turn it into a home, and we got a killer deal on it. It's a good starter house and it's so much nicer than the apartments we were living in. It's also a huge amount of stress that has been taken away. Now for all of the improvements! Thank goodness my dad is a miracle worker and can basically fix anything and do any project he sets his mind to.

Also, we're having a baby in June :) And yes, we did plan it ;) This week starts 14 weeks and I'm starting to gain that fun little "baby bump." Except I feel like it's just lard sitting in my stomach. The first trimester was fairly easy for me. I didn't have a ton of morning sickness which was great! I'm just hoping that the rest of the pregnancy goes like this, but we'll see how the third trimester treats me. Neight is super excited and we've already picked out some names that we like. We won't find out if it's a boy or girl until the end of January at the earliest, it might even be in February that we find out. Neight wants a boy, but as long as the baby had 10 fingers and 10 toes and is healthy, I don't care what it is. For a while I was thinking that I didn't want any girls because I have two sisters and the drama growing up was enough for a lifetime, but now I'm thinking I would like one of each. I guess we'll just see how the dice rolled :)

Life has been so crazy for us and I am so thankful the semester is over. Well, for me anyway, Neight just started a new quarter, but he will have his associates degree in June! Next semester I'm only going to be taking 13 credits instead of 15. Hopefully it will be less stressful and not as crazy, but with me being pregnant, who knows. I'm just happy that my due date is after the semester ends so I can actually take the summer off from school and work :)

That's just a little bit on what we've been up to. Hopefully everyone is having a fantastic holiday season!

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