Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Kayton loves bath time! She has a couple of toys that I let her play with and when they are down by her feet she will use her feet to push them up to where she can grab them. She also loves to grab the washcloth and suck the water out of it. As soon as I notice her doing that I take it away because I don't want her to swallow the soap. Silly girl!

5 Months

Kayton is even more of a busy body than she was when she was born. Now that she has rolling down she is starting to scoot and push her knees to her stomach. The funniest thing about her pushing her knees up is that her butt goes straight up into the air. I have a feeling that she is going to be crawling before Christmas. Kayton is starting to sit up on her own, but only for a few seconds at a time. A lot of the time she will fall forward and sometimes to the side. Everything she touches goes straight into her mouth and she chews on it. Neight and I will blow raspberries and she blows them back. She has also learned how to blow raspberries on my arm. It amazes me how smart she is already! She's started to grab her feet and play with them, this is particularly apparent when I try to change her diaper and her butt is already raised off the changing table. She has started squirming when I change her diaper and rolls off to the side. This little girl is AMAZING!

Monday, November 12, 2012


This week I decided it was time to give Kayton some rice cereal. She wasn't thrilled, but she didn't hate it either. She likes to blow raspberries in general and didn't hesitate to blow raspberries with cereal in her mouth. Luckily I don't wear glasses because it went ALL over my face. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

4 Months

I cannot believe that this cute girl is already 4 months old!

Kayton has started grabbing onto things! As soon as she grabs something it goes into her mouth!

This is her blessing day. The dress she is wearing is a family heirloom. My mom was blessed in it, I was blessed in it, Emily and Angie were blessed in it, and now Kayton was blessed in it.

Kayton wasn't very cooperative when we tried taking pictures of her this month. She had her own agenda of what she wanted to be doing.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

3 Months

She Rolls!

Very early this morning when I put Kayton in her crib she rolled over! So when we actually woke up I figured I would take a video of it :) I can't believe how fast she is growing!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sweet Girl

I just can't get enough of this precious baby!

Yesterday Kayton had her 2 month check up where she also got 6 vaccinations. Luckily she only had to get a total of 3 shots, but it still wasn't any fun to hear her cry!

She weighs in at 11 lbs and is 22.8 inches long. I can't believe she is already two months old! Especially since I have to start going back to school on Thursday :( I am already having seperation anxiety. I suppose everything will turn out right. I just have to continue telling myself that I am creating a better and brighter future for my daughter.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

2 Months

Hanks Family

Last weekend Neight, Kayton, and I took pictures with my family. We went to the studio at JC Penny and they were.... ok. The prices are good, but I don't like how the shoot went. The photographer only took a few shots of each pose and could have retaken some of those when hair was in our eyes or someone wasn't smiling, yada yada yada. I just know that we probably won't do group shots there anymore. I think it will be decent for individuals of Kayton, so we will have to try it on her first birthday.

After the shoot they add the photos online so you can look at all of them and that's how I got copies of them. In some of the pictures you can see the arrows to move to the next picture, so just disregard those.

Great Grandma(s)

At the beginning of the month we had a busy weekend starting with the baby shower on Saturday, thrown by Neight's Mom and sister. The games that we played were fun and the food was delicious. It was mostly Neight’s family that was there as I invited my friends to the baby shower my Mom and sister put together. Neight’s Grandma Susan was visiting from Texas and was able to meet and hold Kayton for the first time. At the shower we were able to take a picture of four generations on the Korous side.

Kayton had fallen asleep and I wasn't about to wake her up for the picture.
From the day Kayton was born everyone said that she looked like Neight and had his facial features, I never believed them until I looked at his Grandma Susan. Kayton has the same nose shape as Susan and now I have to accept that she really does have the Korous looks.

After the baby shower Neight, Kayton, and I headed down to Antimony to visit my Grandma Twitchell. My Grandma came up for the baby shower in May, but hadn’t had a chance to meet Kayton yet. So Sunday afternoon we took another four generation picture.

Again, Kayton fell asleep and I wasn't about to wake her up.
It's hard to have family living so far away, but at least we were able to get pictures with four generations :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Almost Two Months

Neight went fishing super early this morning with his friend Brett Bennett and his brother Jesse, and when Kayton woke up to eat just before seven I figured I would start my day. I haven't done a lot so far and I'm really hungry, but have no idea what to do for breakfast. Anyway, I figured I would post an update on the last month while Kayton is still sleeping.

Friday, Kayton was 8 weeks, but she won't be two months until Wednesday. It is a little weird how that works out, but oh well. Next Monday I will be taking her to the pediatrician to see how she is growing and to also get immunizations. I'm not really looking forward to her screaming in pain, so we will see how that goes.

Things haven't been as crazy around here this second month. Kayton is now sleeping between 6 and 8 hours a night and has started setting a schedule. She usually goes to sleep for the night between 9 and 10, which leave Neight and I an hour or two to ourselves before we go to sleep. I don't know how things are going to go when I go back to work and school, her entire schedule might get messed up those first few weeks.

At the end of July it was my Mom's birthday and I made this super cute gift for her.

Kayton was not happy when I had Neight help me put her footprints on it, but in the end I think it was worth it. I hope my mom liked it.

This last month Kayton has started smiling more and she has even started "talking" to us. She is just the cutest little thing and I love her so much! She is a happy baby for the most part, but when she gets mad she gets mad! This little girl has a set of lungs on her. Maybe we have ourselves a future singer? Her lungs have been getting even stronger because she caught a cold that both Neight and I had. I tried to hard to keep her healthy and she didn't seem to get it as bad as we did, but she still wasn't feeling well. She started crying a new cry that I had never heard before, which must be her sick cry and when we try to clean the gunk out of her nose she will scream and scream and scream until we are finished. I feel bad for my sweet girl and I really hope we are at the end of the cold.

Kayton loves to kick her feet which means that some days I cannot keep her wrapped up in a blanket! Before she was born, Kayton was given this set of super adorable feet rattles! I love them and put them on her at least once a day :)

Here are a couple of pictures that I have taken with my phone. I need to upload the pictures from our camera and post those.

This one is her adorable smile :) It is a little dark so you might have to look at your monitor at a different angle to see it. With this smile I think that when she is older we are going to have some problems with a lot of boys coming around ;)

For some reason Kayton blows bubbles with her mouth when she is asleep. My mom says that she has never met another baby that blows as many bubbles as Kayton does. Maybe there is a hidden talent in there somewhere?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Funny Face

This little girl is so silly! She makes some of the funniest faces!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Scrub-a-Dub, a Baby in the Tub

A few night ago I was giving Kayton a bath, her first real bath since she was born. I had given her two baths before, but they were only sponge baths because her umbilical cord hadn't fallen off.

For this bath I filled up a plastic tub with water and baby soap and plopped her gently in. Well, I didn't think about the fact that skin is very slippery when wet and that with her squirmeyness that she wouldn't stay in one spot. My logic in giving her a "real" bath wasn't very logical at all. Luckily Neight was home and I was able to get his help. I held her while he rinsed the bubbles off of her, but not before he could get some pictures.

Surprisingly during this whole ordeal Kayton stayed very calm and didn't mind being in the water, that's good news for when we get a bath tub that will work for these kinds of baths.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Kayton Mikael

This post is pretty long and I won't be mad if anyone skips straight down to the pictures. 

Our sweet baby girl, Kayton Mikael, decided to grace us with her presence on Friday, June 15th at 9:23 am. She was 7 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long. 

I went into labor around 2 Thursday afternoon while I was at work. The contractions I was having weren't super bad and were between 20 and 30 minutes apart so I really didn't think anything about it. Once I got home around 7, the contractions really started to hurt. Neight's grandparents were in town for a semi-annual visit, but it also happened that they planned it around Kayton's birth and Neight's graduation. Because we don't get to see his grandparents very often they took us out to dinner. It was really nice to talk with them about our lives and how they are doing in their retirement, but I kept getting distracted by how painful and close together the contractions were.

Around 10:30 Thursday night I decided we should probably go to the hospital, although, while I was making me decision I kept thinking how I really didn't want to be one of "those" women who went to the hospital and have it turn into a false alarm. It's a good thing that we went to the hospital when we did because it was a 45 minute drive and on the way the contractions got even worse! Luckily I had preregisterd with the hospital so it was easy admittance. 

Once in the hospital the nurse that was assigned to me checked me to see how dilated I was and after two hours with no progression she wanted to give me a shot of pain medication and send me home. I explained to her that we lived 45 minutes away and by the time we got back to our house we would probably have to turn right around and drive back to the hospital. Once we had this discussion the nurse said she would call the doctor that was on call to see what she had to say. Luckily the doctor said to give me the shot of morphine there to help me relax and see where I was after an hour. Thankfully after the morphine I was able to relax and progress super fast! After the hour of waiting the nurse moved me into an actual labor and delivery room where I was able to relax a little bit more.

There was only one set of contractions that were bad enough to make me cry, and it was right after the nurse had told me she wanted to send me home, which made me super frustrated.

After moving into the labor and delivery room Neight got some sleep and I tried to sleep between the contractions. Around 5:00 Friday morning I asked for the epidural because the pain was quite a bit more than I wanted to deal with. I was exhausted and ready to sleep. Once I got the epidural the event became super easy and not stressful at all!

Around 7:00, right after the shift change, the doctor came in and said it was time to get things finished. So, 7:30 he broke my water, 8:30 I started pushing, and 9:23 our beautiful baby was born. She was and still is so perfect!

Neight was so fantastic the entire time! I don't know that I would have been able to get through it without him. He let me squeeze his hand during the contractions and was so supportive during the delivery! He even cut the umbilical cord :) I wish there were words to describe how awesome he was, but I don't even know where to start. I guess once a woman is in labor it makes my feelings easier to understand.

Unfortunately we didn't make it to Neight's graduation because it was Friday afternoon, but Kayton did come in time for Father's Day :)

Here are a few of the many pictures we've taken in the last two and a half weeks. I am very biased and cannot get over how beautiful and perfect Kayton is. She has stolen my heart <3

An adorable face with a big yawn

This was taken once I moved into the recovery room, just a few hours after she was born

Grandma Sharen, Auntie Angie, and Auntie Emily

The new and very proud daddy :) Kayton already has him wrapped around her little finger

Once we got home, Neight decided to play with the camera and it's different settings

The Korous Side

After her first bath, she was not very happy with me

Her adorable feet with our rings on them, because I'm silly like that ;)

Rings that fit on one of our fingers have to go on two of hers

Grandpa Chris, another man that she has wrapped around her finger