Monday, July 9, 2012

Scrub-a-Dub, a Baby in the Tub

A few night ago I was giving Kayton a bath, her first real bath since she was born. I had given her two baths before, but they were only sponge baths because her umbilical cord hadn't fallen off.

For this bath I filled up a plastic tub with water and baby soap and plopped her gently in. Well, I didn't think about the fact that skin is very slippery when wet and that with her squirmeyness that she wouldn't stay in one spot. My logic in giving her a "real" bath wasn't very logical at all. Luckily Neight was home and I was able to get his help. I held her while he rinsed the bubbles off of her, but not before he could get some pictures.

Surprisingly during this whole ordeal Kayton stayed very calm and didn't mind being in the water, that's good news for when we get a bath tub that will work for these kinds of baths.

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