Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekend fun!

So, as promised, I took pictures of the weekend and now it's time to blog :)

Sunday, Neight and I decided that we were going to go to the zoo before we went to dinner with his co workers. We've been to the zoo so many times before, but it's still fun to get out of the house and spend some time outside. As usual not many of the animals were out and about, but we did get lucky in the Elephant Encounter area! There was a trainer doing a "presentation" with Zuri (the two year old elephant) and her mom Christie. The video that I'm posting is WELL WORTH your time to watch. Zuri does some things in there that I didn't know an elephant was capable of. Don't mind my commentary, I was pretty shocked at what was going on :)

Here are some pictures of Zuri and her mom.

Zuri balancing on the ledge. 

Also, at the zoo there were some pretty intense dinosaur exhibits. It was interesting to see scale models of different dinosaurs and facts about them. I didn't take very many pictures of these because they weren't as cool as the real animals. The exhibit that blew me away was the T-Rex. This thing was actually life sized!!!! I would FREAK if I saw a T-Rex coming towards me. It was pretty funny to see all the families there and how the kids reacted to the dinosaurs. As we were walking by the T-Rex this little boy asked his dad if it was real. The dad said "yes it is." At that boy the little boy's face went pale as a ghost and his eyes were FULL of terror. I thought it was HILARIOUS! because that is TOTALLY something Neight would do if we had a child. Poor thing.

When we got home from the zoo I started making the salad for the dinner. It's a pretty simple recipe and it tastes DELICIOUS!!!! Here's a picture of it :)

The dinner was pretty fun. Only three of Neight's co workers showed up, his boss was also there, being that it was at his house. There was a lot of good food and two super funny dogs. One was a little Chihuahua and the other was a huge Boxer. Now, I'm not scared of dogs, I just don't like their wet noses and yucky tongues.... That might change when we get a dog. The funny thing about these two dogs is that the Chihuahua is the one in charge, and when the two of them lay down, the Chihuahua lays on top of the Boxer. I wish that I would have been able to take a picture of it, but I didn't get a chance :(

It was a nice weekend and I really enjoyed it. My new semester at Westminster starts next week! I'm super nervous! Neight finds out his classes for next quarter tomorrow! Look at us being grown up :)

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