Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day, Without Camping

Can you believe it's already Memorial Day???? I can't! This year has already FLOWN by! Probably because Neight and I are spending our time looking forward to the baby coming! There's only 2 weeks left! Neight continues to tell me that he wants Baby K to come early, but I don't (and kind of hope) that it won't happen. As much as I tell myself I'm ready for labor it still really makes me nervous to think about it. It's crazy to think that a year ago Neight and I were looking forward to taking our trip to Disneyland and this year we're looking forward to having our baby.

Usually over Memorial Day we go camping with my Dad's family. Last year we broke the tradition and went to Echo with our friends Brett and Allie. It was a lot of fun, but SO miserable because it rained from the time we got there until the time we left. This year because I'm 38 weeks pregnant we decided to not even try, even though we bought a camper so we probably would have been fine with the cold, but I don't want to be hours away from a hospital. My Dad's family decided not to go camping this year either, so I don't feel like we missed out on too much.

Today my Dad and Neight are working in the nursery getting it ready to go. There's just a little left to do, they're texturing the walls that they built and getting things ready to paint. The only problem with this is that there is dust from the mud in the ENTIRE upstairs. I was up there for about an hour when they first started, but I couldn't handle the dust anymore. It was making me crazy and I felt the urge to clean, so I moved downstairs where I've spent the majority of the day. It's much cooler and I have a TV and computer, so it's not horrible. It also keeps me sane. There wasn't any point to clean upstairs because it will just continue to get dirty until they are finished for the day. It's a good thing they're doing this before the baby comes instead of her first few weeks here at home. I will be happy when it's finished. I should have taken pictures before they started in there, but I didn't. I'll post some of the room when it's finished for sure.

Later tonight Neight and I are going over with our puppy to my parents for a bbq. I love spending time with my family and it's never a dull moment with my sisters. I'm also looking forward to getting all of the dust off of my floor and flat surfaces upstairs ;)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Week 34

Time is winding down and the final countdown is almost here. I have a doctor appointment next Monday, one two weeks after that, and then every week after that! So scary! But so exciting! Every day I feel a little less nervous about the baby coming. I just have to keep the mind set that millions of women have given birth before and that I can totally do it! AHHHH!!!! I'm finally starting to buy things and get ready. A few weeks ago I was super stressed and anxious about the baby coming and having nothing, so that weekend when Neight and I went grocery shopping we bought a package of diapers, wipes, and some onesies. It really helped my stress level out, and we even decided what I need to do when I go into labor. With Neight working 45 minutes away and out on service calls we decided that if I'm at home or at work I just need to get myself to the hospital and he will meet me out there. If I can't drive because the contractions are too strong then I have a tree of people to call to help me. I really hope that my labor starts at night or on a weekend when Neight is with me. It might even be a blessing if the doctor decides to induce me so I can pick the day and Neight will be with me.
I found this cute fleece a while back and decided I would make a blanket for the baby. Yesterday I finally put it together! One more thing that's ready for the baby :D

When Neight and I were shopping we found this awesome shirt. The smallest size we found was 12 months, but I sitll had to buy it. It was too hilarious to pass up.