Sunday, December 15, 2013


Well, I'm one day short of a full year since my last post, so here's an update (with plenty of pictures)

Neight and I are both in school and working. This school year I dropped down to only 6 credits so I could spend more time at home. I only have 3 semesters left!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so close to graduating!
Neight left ITT and is now doing prerequisites and SLCC so he can transfer to the U as a history teaching major.

Kayton is 18 months old today and SUCH a busy body. She's a sweetheart and loves to give kisses and hugs to everyone, especially animals. She sleeps all night and has a total of 10 teeth. She runs all over and loves to throw things. She's really good at copying things that Neight and I do and she's making TONS of sounds to communicate. She's learned to say "No" and shake her head. She isn't a picky eater, which is nice, and she LOVES her veggies :)

Valentines 2013

First Trip to the Zoo

Playing the Piano with Auntie Ang


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