Sunday, January 9, 2011


Who doesn't love a new year? It's a fresh start and everyone decides what their resolutions are going to be. Why we don't do this throughout the year is pretty humorous, but following the trend I have made two. It's a week into the new year and so far I'm doing pretty well. Neight didn't make any resolutions, but he's been helping me out and motivating me.

My first resolution is to not drink soda. This one is going to be the hardest for me because I am addicted to Dr. Pepper. It's my favorite and I'm already missing it. I am only 9 days in and haven't really noticed anything different in the way I  feel. Hopefully it will be worth it in the end.

The second resolution I've set is to eat at least one fruit or vegetable every day. This one is should be easier than not drinking soda, but still a challenge. I'm hoping to make it easier by keeping plenty of fruits and vegetables in the house and ready to eat without a ton of preparation.

I hope everyone had a good new year and that if you set resolutions you can keep them :)

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