Wednesday, April 16, 2014


As a student, homemaker, and working mom, to say that I'm busy is almost an understatement. I've tried not to let myself go, but the older Kayton gets, the more difficult it is becoming and it's a challenge to look put together.

There are mornings that the first forty five minutes of contact with Kayton result in boogers on my shoulders and food on my clothes. The first fifteen minutes result in smudged make-up and sweat as I wrestle to get her diaper and clothes changed.

Recently, Kayton has found it exciteing to pull my hair as had as she can. When I get after her she giggles and laughs. Now, I've never found the idea of pulling my hair back into a pony tail appealing because I feel sloppy, but I'm almost to that point. Luckily I can French braid my own hair because that might be my new 'do'.

Even though the terrible twos are here, I am completely smitten with my little girl :) and I wouldn't trade her for the world!