Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Fall Fling

So I feel like it's been forever since I've been able to update any of my blogs, but while Neight and our new puppy :) are sleeping, I'm going to take a few minutes to post this before I start doing everything else that needs to get done today.

School has been going decent for me, I'm starting to think that I bit off a little more than I could chew, but I'm sure I'll be ok. I feel like all of my time at home that isn't devoted to cooking or cleaning, or taking care of the animals, is devoted to homework. Weekends aren't too bad, it's the middle of the week, Tuesday and Wednesday, that are my problem. There just isn't enough time for me to do all of my homework assigned on Tuesday by Wednesday. I'm going to try getting ahead this week to see if it helps at all.
Neight starts school again tomorrow, I think... It might be next week, I'm not sure.

So like I mentioned earlier we got a puppy. Neight and I had talked about it for a while and finally decided that we should. So Thursday we drove all the way out to Coalville to pick her up. The drive to get there was like an hour and a half, the lady literally lived out in the middle of nowhere. She and her husband are ranchers, I guess would be the best way to describe them, so our dog basically could run around for hours in all this space. I feel kind of bad that we took her away from all of that and brought her to the city. I guess though, that Magna, is kind of like the country. We do have a decent sized yard that she will be able to run around in.
The entire drive to pick the puppy up Neight was thinking of names, he thought of two he really like, Lucee and Zildjin. After we played with the puppy he decided that she wasn't a Lucee type dog and so he picked Zildjin. Now, you're probably wondering "Where does a name like that come from?" Well, let me explain, Neight is a drummer and very into music. Zildjin is a cymbal brand that he uses, it's pronounced Zil-d-gen. So we now have a Munchqen kitty and a Zildjin doggy. Only in our house :)

She's a very cute dog and pretty good so far. I thought we were going to have a problem with her sleeping through the night, but I was wrong. I never thought I would be a dog person, but for her I think that can change. I just hope that Munchquen doesn't feel like I'm neglecting her. Munchquen is very territorial and is having a hard time adjusting to Zildjin, but every day Munchquen will wander closer, mostly while Zildjin is asleep, but Munchquen will hiss if she gets to close to Zildjin. It's kind of funny to watch, but yesterday there was a time where I had to take Zildjin to the other end of the house because she cornered Munchquen and Munchquen freaked out. Zildjin will bark at Munchquen thinking she's playing, but Munchquen sees it as being attacked. We had to buy a baby gate and turn our office into Munchquen's room so she wouldn't completely hate us.
They match!

Last week Neight went fishing and FINALLY caught some fish! He said that as soon as he put his line into the water he had a bite and reeled it in. This happened for hours and he got a nice big bucket of fish.
Luckily Neight was fishing with a friend because there is no way that we would be able to eat all of those. Neight and I are going camping in a couple of weeks and he's probably going to go fishing. I don't know that he'll catch anything, but we'll see.

It's been really nice having a house for the last couple of months. We've been able to grill (yummy) and Neight has been able to play his drum kit. I like that it's nice and quite and almost ours :) We are supposed to close on the house the day before Thanksgiving, if all goes well.
Neight's grilling area.

Neight's drum kit.
I hope that everyone enjoys the end of summer/beginning of fall, as it will turn into winter very shortly. (Don't hate me for telling the truth.)